Blitz Ads Affiliate Network , you will make more money with us than the competition, plain and simple. But don’t all the other ad networks say this? Yeah they do, but we don’t take a 30-50% cut on your traffic. Instead we provide you with a revenue guarantee with consistently higher payouts from our top advertisers. We provide our publishers with state-of-the-art ad serving technology that is guaranteed to make you more money. So if you serious about making money, then join us!
Why Choose BlitzAds?
Get Paid Quickly – Regular payments to you made every week by wire, check, or Paypal.
Multiple Ad formats – Allowing you more customization options your application.
Proprietary eCPM Auction Based Ad Serving – this means our in house technology will serve the ads that have the highest eCPM values, therefore maximizing your revenue. We won’t make commitments with advertisers that would force a large amount of low eCPM ads to your app.
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