Pulse360 CPA Affiliate Network has launched a new solution for publishers of all sizes that let’s them benefit from our years of experience and core expertise in performance-based marketing.
Pulse360 now offers access to dozens of performance-based advertisers (“cost per acquisition”) and we’ll optimize your banner ad inventory based on our proprietary targeting methods that have been proven for years on our partners including MSNBC, Weather.com, Gannett Digital, Newsweek.com, Comcast.net and thousands more. We are battle tested with the web’s best.
Our unique optimization algorithms consider your site context, audience demographics, user geography and other factors to help ensure maximum yield for our publisher partners. Pulse360 currently offers 728×90, 300×250, and 160×600 banner ad units. You can get started today with our ad code that you can hard-code to your site, or drop into your ad server.
Publisher benefits for our CPA network include:
Competitive 60% revenue share based on the CPA activity on your site
Prompt monthly payment
Daily reporting
Pulse360 CPA Ads Network manages ad targeting and optimization to maximize your revenue
Dedicated customer service
Focus on you
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